Franklin Ratliff
2013-14 | Scrap
This series consists of early figure studies. They were done purely as exercise, not as part of a body of work. When I later began to explore deeper themes, the figure became my primary subject. These studies display the efficient style that would define much of my subsequent work.
In cases where a work did not perfectly fit the themes of a series, I placed that work according to date. I placed these less related works at the bottom of the page.

figure painting of a man holding a stick, 2013, oil on paper, 30"x22"

figure painting of a seated man, 2013, oil on board, 24"x22"

slab (after Rembrandt), 2014, oil on canvas, 32"x24", not available

portrait of a woman, 2013, charcoal on paper, 15"x11"

figure drawing of a woman reclining, 2013, charcoal on paper, 15"x11"

portrait of a woman in profile, 2013, charcoal on paper, 24"x18'

portrait of a woman with fabric, 2013, charcoal on paper, 24"x12"

portrait of a man, 2013, charcoal on paper, 24"x18"